The Eternity ISSN 0975-8690

+91-7706017062, 7905599190
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    Vol - XV, No. 3 Jul-Sept 2024

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    The Eternity ISSN 0975-8690 DOI No. 10.2022-97667419 (Print): An International Multi Disciplinary Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal, is a Quarterly (March, June, September, December & Supplement Issue), open-access (OA), journal.

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    The Eternity ISSN 0975-8690 (Print): An International Multi Disciplinary Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal, is a Quarterly (March, June, September, December & Supplement Issue), open-access (OA), journal.

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Coming Issue.....Vol - XV, No.3, July-Sept, Last Date of Submission is 30 Sep 2024


Articles are accepted for publishing on the understanding that these contain original unpublished work, not submitting the publishing anywhere else.

The Steps to Submit Manuscripts


  • Name of a Main Document: Name with the Running title of your manuscript.

  • Name of images: Images are named as Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 and so on in ascending order. It may also be submitted separately as Figure 1A, Figure 1B and so on if there is a group of figures.


You can only upload one file that does not exceed 5 MB each time, including main document, images and tables. You must upload them separately or convert to a single PDF before uploading if the files exceed 5 MB. The sequence of uploaded files is as follows:

1. Article scope: related to arts, social, law, management, commerce, technology, science, medical promotion.

2. Specialty Type: Please choose one key word from Specialty Type.

3. Article Type: Editorial, Topic Highlights, Observation, Research, Review, Original Articles, Brief Articles, Case Report, Letters To The Editor, Book Reviews, Guidelines.

4. Title: Your title may contain as many as 25 words, and can include special characters. .

5. Running Title: A short running title of less than 6 words should be provided.

6. Keywords: Please list 5 key words for each manuscript

7. Abstract: Your abstract may contain as many as 200 words, and can include special characters.

8. Article: Your Article may contain as many as 2500 words and can include special characters

9. Cover Letter: Your cover letter may contain as many as 480 words, and can include special characters.

10. Main Text English: Time New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, justified, with a margin left 1.5 inch and right 1.0 inch, top 1.0 inch and bottom 1.0 inch.

11. Main Text Hindi: Kruti Dev 010, Font size 14, line spacing 1.5, justified, with a margin left 1.5 inch and right 1.0 inch, top 1.0 inch and bottom 1.0 inch.

12. Units: Use SI units; a few examples are given below: Hectare (ha), Milligram (mg), Rupees (₹), Million hectares (Mha), Litre (l), Tonne (t), Millilitre (ml), Million tonnes (Mt), Gram (g), Meter (m), Kilogram (kg) and Centimeter (cm). Please note that no full stop is used after the abbreviation of units.

Suggested Reviewers: You may not fill in your suggested reviewers using the textboxes.

Correspondence to (Name, Title, Department, Institution, Address, City, ZIP/Postal Code, Country, E-mail). This person is the formal Corresponding Author as denoted on the title page of the manuscript. International and Indian authors fill out the box in English

13. Sponsors/Acknowledgments

14. Invoice Address International and Indian authors fill out the box in English.

15. Suggested Reviewers: You may not fill in your suggested reviewers using the textboxes.

16. Correspondence to (Name, Title, Department, Institution, Address, City, ZIP/Postal Code, Country, E-mail). This person is the formal Corresponding Author as denoted on the title page of the manuscript. International and Indian authors fill out the box in English

17. Number of authors.

18. All color; black and white images should be saved and supplied as TIFF, GIF, EPS, Power Point or high-quality JPEG files to a minimum of 300 dpi. Image: You can mail the images less than 5 MB. But the images that exceed 5 MB must be converted in PDF or be send as several separate files.

19. Manuscript: Its contents should include title, running title, all authors' names, affiliations, author contributions, supported by, correspondence to, telephone, fax, abstract (aim, methods, results, and conclusion), key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, references, figure legends, and table.


1. Select your Article scope and Specialty Type. Give Total number of authors, your Title, Running title, Keywords, Abstract, Cover Letter, Sponsors/Acknowledgments, Invoice Address and All Authors Consent into the appropriate form.

2. Give all Authors' Information in the Research paper. Special Attention: Double-check that the formal Corresponding Author has been designated.

3. Give Image files, Number of Manuscript Pages, Total Number of Figures, Number of Line Drawings and Graphs, Number of Black & White Figures, Number of Color Figures, Number of Tables, Word count, Abstract word count in the boxes.

If you have any other questions, please visit Editorial Office or email to or call : +91 7753977775. Thanks for your attention and submission!